Chain of Command

Domestic Abuse is both indefensible and unacceptable; the Armed Forces do not condone Domestic Abuse in any circumstance. The Chain of Command must ensure this message is communicated throughout their unit, whilst also ensuring the necessary support is provided to both victims and perpetrators. This support should only be provided by specialist welfare provides, either military (NS FPS, Army Welfare Service, civilian SSAFA Fieldworker) or civilian.

Tri-Service Policy

The main policy document for the armed forces is Joint Service Publication (JSP) 913, Tri-Service Policy on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence. JSP 913 details the responsibilities of the chain of command and the procedures for military welfare provision. Each of the three Services have additional policies that are Royal Navy, Army or Royal Air Force specific. The key policy documents for the Army are Army General Administrative Instruction (AGAI) 81 and Army Briefing Note (ABN) 103/14. The key policy documents for the RAF are: Air Publication (AP) 3392 Volume 2 Leaflet 2414 (Domestic Abuse Practice Policy); AP 1722 Part 3 Leaflet 3528 (RAF Police Procedures for Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Child Protection; RAF Internal Briefing Note (IBN) 49/14 (Dealing with Domestic Abuse in the RAF).   A number of additional tri-service policies that may be relevant to cases of domestic abuse are outlined below:

JSP 770 – Tri-Service Operational and Non-Operational Welfare Policy. This policy also refers to domestic abuse.

JSP 763 – MoD Bullying and Harassment Complaints Procedure. This policy gives direction on the “separation of parties” which could be used in cases of domestic abuse between Serving personnel; particularly those living in Single Living Accommodation.

2014DIN01-209 – Guidance to Commanding Officers and Victims when dealing with Allegations of Serious Criminal Offences including Sexual Offences. Within this DIN the Commanding Officer has the option of managing working patterns, moving the victim or offender and offering a career change or compassionate discharge where appropriate and/or required.

  • Call: 999 (emergency)
  • Call: 101 (non-emergency)
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